Boy oh boy, there sure have been surprises in the last few days, with 3 of my highly promoted PTC sites turning into scams.

BuyVisitors - Had a nice layout and fresh look, but did not even last a week

VelocityClicks - Many said it was owned by the former iCashout owner, and it was even given high praises by myself. It surely was a great PTC….at the beginning. But then the owner started his dirty little tricks by removing active referrals from members downlines which resulted in earnings going downhill, on top of that he was selling inactive referrals as members shared horror stories of buying 100 member packages and receiving 90+ inactives!

Clix4Coins - Another great site, which just shot itself in the foot by implementing a new earnings system, leaving members with less than 1/10th of their balances. I had 2 payments pending on it from the previous system and did get paid thankfully, before the site went down. Real shame since it truly was one of the best PTC sites out there.